12 Days of Nativity, 12 Days of Giving!
Support Nativity Worcester and celebrate everything that makes our program unique during the 12 Days of Nativity!
Everyday until Christmas break, we will feature a different fact about Nativity Worcester and how much of an impact our donors can make. Follow along on our Instagram, Facebook, or Website as we countdown to December 22nd.
Take part in our countdown by making a donation using the link below. We are grateful for all those who continue to support our community!

Day 11-11 years at Lincoln St
Value: Tuition free, but $14,000 for monthly building upkeep
The education our students receive is invaluable. Not only is it tuition-free, but it’s something they benefit from beyond their graduation. We’ve loved the past 11 years since moving to 67 Lincoln St. But, the building is still a building that has its costs.
Day 10-10 Alumni Association Council members
Value: $1,115 in donations
This summer, we established our Alumni Association Council, which consists of members from our oldest classes who provide feedback and insight for our Grad Support Team. When we announced our school closure in the spring, our alumni and their families extended their support with donations to their Alma Mater. We are always in disbelief by the generosity of our graduates! We’re proud of the men they have become and the passion they share with their communities.
Day 9-9 Months of Remote Learning
Value: $400 technology supplies and programs per student, or $6,000 for the year
Has it really been 9 months since we left school? Time has passed quickly, and yet slowly, that our way of teaching has become “normal” for us. We’re lucky to utilize online programming and distribute chrome books to all our students! Online teaching is not easy, but with the supplies and memberships to these tools, we’ve made online teaching work!

Day 8-8 Teaching Fellows
Value: $30,000 to pay them all, or $1,200 monthly food stipend
What else would we choose for this day than our 8 Teaching Fellows! Each year, 4 new fellows join the Nativity community as AmeriCorps Vistas to begin their 2 year experience. During their time with us, they teach, mentor, coach, facilitate clubs, go to grad school, and live together at Casa Maria. These recent college grads accomplish a lot in a short amount of time, and we would not be where we are today without their hard work!

Day 7-7 Years of Preachin’ Teaching!
Value-$10,000 for curriculum materials
Fr. McMurray and Ms. Munar have both worked at Nativity Worcester for 7 years. We greatly appreciate all that they’ve contributed to the Nativity community! In order to educate our students, we strive to provide proven curriculums in all our subjects-Religion, Math, ELA, and more. Our teachers have done an excellent job with remote learning and utilizing new options to teach the curriculums to our students!

Day 6- 6 Recent high school placements
Value-$1,250 scholarship per high school student
A part of a Nativity family’s journey at NSW is the Graduate Support Program, which begins with the High School Process. Starting in 7th grade, students are taught how to research available high schools and select where to send their applications. This past fall, the Espinal class began their high schools with 6 different school systems-Worcester Academy, Bancroft School, Saint John’s High School, Penn Foster, Worcester Public Schools, and Glastonbury High School in CT. Each high school student grad, regardless of where they enroll, is eligible to receive $1,250 as scholarship toward tuition and academic needs.

Day 5-5 Graduate Support Events
Value-$500 each
A perk our students receive at NSW is once they are enrolled, they never leave. Our Grad Support program guides our grads through high school and beyond by staying in touch and providing opportunities to visit 67 Lincoln. These events include Class Meetings, Grad Nights, Networking Night, Graduate Day Celebration, and our newly introduced Alumni Reunion.

Day 4- 4 Pillars
Value-$1,100 per year (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Nativity Man of the Week)
The Magis-the more-refers to the philosophy of doing more for Christ, and therefore doing more for others. It’s a daily reminder and goal for our Nativity Men to always strive for the Magis. We reward these behaviors with merits that are later used as “cash” for our school store. Each week, the staff meet to select one student who has exemplified all four pillars and reward him with Nativity Man of the Week and a gift card to a restaurant of their choice!

Day 3- 3:1 Student to Adult Ratio
Value-$16,000 student sponsorship
Because of our small class sizes and co-teaching model, we’re able to have a 3:1 student to adult ratio. This includes the support of our non-reaching staff. As a result, our teachers can work more closely with students and help them retain lessons better. Our small staff of 24 work in tandem to create a safe and engaging environment for our students.

Day 2-Food bag distributions 2x a month
Value-$600 per family annually
Along with a great education, we provide a food pantry for the families of our students and graduates. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve increased our distribution by 400% and offer food bag pick ups at NSW twice a month. Each bag is filled with non-perishables that supplement each meal and snacks.

Day 1-Ignatius watchin’ over me
St. Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus in 1540 and is the religious affiliation at Nativity Worcester. Our Nativity Men are taught from day one how to “strive for the MAGIS (the greater of more).” The lessons taught by St. Ignatius are priceless as they guide our students through their educational journeys; during and after their time at Nativity Worcester.