Endless Opportunities, Nativity to URI and Beyond

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Since graduating from Saint John’s high school, I’ve been lucky enough to attend the University of Rhode Island studying Communication. I Recently finished my junior year at school. I was grateful to be accepted as an intern back at Nativity. With hopes of becoming a fellow back here at nativity upon graduating, of URI.    

I am majoring in Communication, and Secondary Education. My college experience has been one of the greatest experiences of my life, meeting new people and being a part of my fraternity is another great experience that I have been a part of. At my fraternity we’ll also take on leadership roles, being a great example for underclass men. 

A part of my involvement with my fraternity ZBT, we’ll also be voted into an executive position, Risk Management and Wellness. Joining my fraternity was one of the best decisions I have made during my time here at college, creating bonds with friends that’ll be for life. Even though some people live hundreds of miles away.    

Something from Nativity that I still carry with me is a school first mentality. I’ve never been the type of student to prioritize school. Until my time at Nativity, teachers and faculty have constantly prioritizing school, Which I still to this day have been pursing my education and being able to constantly make Deans List at school, all thanks to Nativity.      

Advice I have for younger students is to enjoy your time here at nativity, take advantage of every opportunity you have here. Nativity offers so much for students to help achieve their dreams, and be able to have the support for the rest of your high school, college careers, and beyond.