My Tips, and Mytipz

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Tarik Octave Arrupe Class of 2009

How has this last year been with the coronavirus and all the changes?

1. As tragic as this pandemic has been throughout the world over the past year, I can ironically say that that time has been a blessing in disguise. Due to quarantine, I saved a lot of money, learned more about myself, was able to continue working remotely from home and spent a lot of more time with family. I am thankful none of my family members were diagnosed with covid and I have been able to use my time more wisely pre pandemic.

Thoughts on growing up and living in Worcester?

2. I love Worcester and will recommend it to anyone in the world. The city is so diverse and filled with great history and has so much potential in the years to come to become a very productive city. It is in the heart of the state and there are so many things to see and do.

Advice for the younger nativity guys? Impact nativity had on you?

3. My advice to the younger nativity students is to really listen to your teachers. They are
building structure and a positive routine in your life that will help you become a man of honor. I didn’t realize it when I was a student but now as I am 25 years old I can see most guys unfortunately do not have a structured life and I can thank Nativity for installing that in me.

Any plans for 2021?

4. Yes I have major plans in 2021. I plan on my personal business Mytipz to flourish and to help positively impact the youth in the community because they are the future.