Sharing True Nativity Spirit

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1. What are you looking forward to as you transition to high school?
One thing that I am looking forward to in high school is making new friends. One way I will be doing this is by joining clubs and playing sports.

2. Why did you decide to become a CIT?
I decided to become a CIT because I wanted to help the new students be prepared for the new school year. I have been doing this by helping the younger students understand the topics in

3. What is your favorite memory at Nativity?
My favorite memory at Nativity was on door decorating day because, it was the day that I got to see all my classmates work together to create an amazing door. This was very fun because my class didn’t really like working together and usually fought a lot. This was also my favorite memory because it was the first time the Grande class had won the door decorating challenge.

4. What is your favorite pillar and why?
My favorite pillar is the pillar of character. This is my favorite pillar because I have always tried to by kind to the people around and I have always treated everyone the same no matter what.

5. What advice do you want to share with current students now that you’re a graduate?
Some advice that I would give to the current students is to be a leader and not follower for yourselves and the people around you. I would give this advice to the younger students because I have missed out on many things because I decided to follow other instead of leading them.